LG Optimus 2 X and black go on pre-orders in Germany, EUR 500

The two most recent and best LG smartphones appeared only on German Amazon Web page. They continue to advance booking and there's no precise launch date mentioned, but at least we had the confirmed price.

Both dual-Optimus 2 X (which will be called Optimus speed in DE) and NOVA-packaging Optimus black screen comes originally retail for a percentage under 500. Optimus 2 X also comes in Brown, but this version is worth the extra 50.

Both phones are listed as "not yet available" and "there's nothing about a potential release date. LG Optimus 2 X promised to come to Europe in January, but at this point-it's at all but certain that smartphone isn t going to make it in time. We hope, but that delay won t long and we'll get to see it on the street sometime in February.

LG was far less specific about Optimus black and its exciting offers new view tech and only said that it should be in the first half of the year. Still this Amazon listing gives us hope that we won t have to wait until June to see it in stores.


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