Zombie infection 2 free mobile game download

Zombie infection 2 is a mobile game that you can play on Nokia 5230 and Nokia 5800. The theme of this game is quite similar as the Zombie related Hollywood film was the infection is beginning to spread and to stop all the positive character you are struggling to find a solution/cure to get rid of the disease.

But in this mobile game Zombie infection spreads very quickly and include a continent after the other, without directing so brutal disease all brave and positive soul should work together and dig into the Brazilian jungle because that's where you can find the secret labs and even shortcut on this disease.

Mobile gaming, you must go to the source of the disease that you find the zombie as a major obstacle on the way but you must move forward by reducing all Zombies. Zombie part of the game is quite serious because apart form Zombie zombie raccoons are also human, sharks and nearly all living creatures is infection together and that is what makes this so ugly that you already know that ugly on fun gameplay.

Go through the zombies, weapons, grenades, flamethrower and also find alternative weapons but they are enough stay untouched from the Zombie.

Download for the Nokia 5230 and 5800 and similar Download for phones Nokia n73 and similar phones

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