Samsung I9003 Galaxy S comes with a Super clear LCD?

It seems Samsung I9000 coming way of dodo. Rumors say so-the original Galaxy S will obviously be discontinued in favor of I9003, which is the same phone, except for one important difference-the screen.

Samsung I9000 Galaxy S debuted SuperAMOLED screen 4 ", as we later saw on Samsung Omnia I8700 7 and full range of Galaxy S for United States market.

This new I9003 has the same specifications apart from screen I9000 SuperAMOLED is replaced by a Super clear LCD type of screen (again 4 inch WVGA). We thought not too happy with the Samsung Wave II's 3.7 "Super clear LCD, so it feels like a downgrade to us.

Vodafone Germany Samsung Galaxy s still delivers a SuperAMOLED (I9000 model), so that the modification does not affect all markets, at least not directly.

All this is just rumors at this point so that we don't know for sure until someone makes an official statement.

It seems Samsung's capacity to produce SuperAMOLED screen can't match the huge demand, even Google's new flagship Nexus S, will use Super clear LCD in Russia and Italy.

Is Samsung concentrate their factories to the new SuperAMOLED screen Plus the even announced the Samsung Galaxy S2?

Source (website in German)

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