Now you can access the Android market from your computer

One of the biggest announcements from today's Google Android press conference are new online-available Android market website and the new way to how apps will be purchased.

The idea behind the new Android market website is to allow people to browse apps from anywhere and is not limited to the market app on their phones. Google is, in other words, to get started with Apple's own app store.

You can find the new online market at

Android Market

The Android market is online and the process to buy an app is pretty simple and straightforward. After an app is purchased or simply picked for installation (if it is a free of charge), and within seconds, your phone automatically starts the download. It is now pretty cool and beats Apple's system hand down.

You can also now share a link from the Web market to a friend to an application you've liked via twitter or email, which is neat.

With the latest SDK, which will be available sometime in late March, developers can add in-app payments, allowing them to offer new app features or new game levels directly from the app.


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