Palm Pre Plus webOS 2.1 in Germany starts now

Now is a surprise-HP officially confirmed that the Pre Plus do not get a chance to taste and yet this webOS 2 will update. Today the O2 Palm Pre plus owners can receive over-the-air firmware package that takes their smartphones to the latest webOS 2.1, seen only on the new HP Pre 3 and HP Veneer for now.

There is no information yet when other countries/carriers can follow and given that HP is apparently not much to update it cannot happen at all. We still hope at best.

Even if the OS update results in a temporary error, depends on your hardware as years old it would still be better to enjoy the latest and greatest of webOS on your smartphone.

So what are you waiting for, go and get it. Just don't forget to stop by the comments section below and tell us how it went and how performance is.


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