Connect the Nokia search for chance to win a E7

Today Nokia starts an interesting new competition which would allow you the chance to win a Nokia E7. There are seven units of new Finnish flagship up for you-one for each day of the week.

Every day, you will receive three clues to where the next unit hid. You will then use these clues and find the device that Nokia E7. If you happen to be the first day that makes and tweet the right place to WOMWorldNokia, you will win one of the phones.

Nokia E7

The first and seventh places is mind you virtual, so we'll use Ovi maps to find them.

Every day, the winner will be notified via WOMWorldNokia Twitter account sometime after 3 pm GMT.

Check out this video to learn more about the contest.

If you are interested, you can follow this link to enter the competition.

View the original article here

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