Samsung offers desktop dock for Google's Nexus, it asks for $ 40

Samsung has just announced a desktop dock for Google Nexus p. We wondered how advanced can it be that we jumped straight to its specifications on the page. It turns out, it's a pretty regular phone dock, which is just a notch better than a simple desk stand for attempts to load.

However, Google's Nexus in landscape orientation, with a microUSB port plugged in for charging or data connection.

Nexus's dock from Samsung

It is all the functions that the Nexus 's, however, has to offer-there are no additional USB ports, TV-out functionality, or any of the battle.

Nexus's dock

Nexus's desktops, however, is available right now from Samsung's Web store, prices at $ 39.99 (or around 30). It seems a little expensive, however, to Motorola Atrix Media with 3 USB ports and microHDMI port (practical actuality) is rumoured to cost about $ 60.


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