Resident Evil: The Missions

resident evil java games
One of the most advanced mobile games ever created, Resident Evil: The missions provides the most fantastic portable Resident Evil challenge so far. With spectacular 3D environments, chilling enemies and over 100 missions, this intense adventure is based on the story of WOW console title Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

Take the role of Resident Evil heroes Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira you are trying to discover the secrets behind this mysterious T-Virus outbreak and gruesome zombie attacks. Take on the company's most terrifying creatures umbrella with an awesome arsenal of weapons, all within the scope of the infamous Racoon City police station.

With over 20 hours of gameplay, you can take different paths to mission unlock new weapons, items, and even playable characters.

To survive you endless horror, intrigue and mayhem? Tags: ,: ,

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