Android update fixes Nexus One/S SMS bug, Froyo for the T-Mo's Vibrant

Nexus line of phones is to get a minor update to fix SMS-Nexus one gets Android 2.2.2 and there's v2.3(2) for Nexus p. Froyo update for Samsung's charm is also now available over-the-air (OTA).

Obviously, Android had grown a nasty bug that would randomly send a text message to the wrong contact even if the text is displayed in the thread right contact's message.

If you have a Nexus one is Android 2.2.2 transition which should deal with this bug and possibly a few others (there's no official changelog yet). The update is available for manual installation or you can wait for over-the-air version (check the manual installation instructions here).

If you have Google Nexus S instead, then you should get your bug fix as an OTA update, which will bump the phone up to v2.3 (2). In addition to making sure you have no SMS questions anymore, the update reportedly improves the responsiveness of the browser (again, there's no official changelog).

And finally, the T-Mobile's Samsung vibrant (a Galaxy s variant) to be updated to Android 2.2 Froyo after a long wait. This update contains USB/WiFi tethering, Wi-Fi calling and the common applications and performance enhancements that come with Froyo.

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