HTC closing a successful fourth quarter 2010

HTC report on the last quarter of 2010 is fresh out of the oven and it looks good for the Taiwanese company. In fact, the financial results exceeded HTC's own forecasts.

In Q4 of 2010 HTC delivery is a total of 9.1 million units, compared to the same period last year, an increase of 160%. The result is 3.57 billion USD worth of income. This is an impressive 153% more than last year's Q4.

HTC has really stepped up their game in 2010 and this shows in the annual balances. Transport smartphones doubled during 2010 to 24.6 million units, compared with 11.7 million in 2009. Revenue increased by 93% on year to $ 7 billion and for profit, the estimated at 1.3 billion dollars.

As a destination for 2011 will Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer focusing on its 4 G devices. If HTC is the current trend will, they will only be able to expect things to get even better for them, with their six new units and a Tablet is waiting for you to look up MWC 2011, betray first quarter 2011 shouldn t also.

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