Apple iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon)

The incredibly successful Apple iPhone 4, visit dozens of carriers around the world, but a large market have remained untouched by Apple ... and it is in its own backyard. US Verizon Wireless network – the largest carrier in the United States – have not had a version of the iPhone to run on its CDMA network ... but it is changing.

Use the same "retina" display, 5 megapixel camera with HD video recording and powerful A4 processor, see this version of the iPhone almost identical to GSM/UMTS version used worldwide.

Available for advance booking from 3rd February and then released in General, the 10th February, 16 GB iPhone 4 costs $ 199.99 with a 2 year contract and 32 GB version will be $ 299.99.

Unlike many of the latest Verizon releases, iPhone 4 G is not a 4 "lte" device, rather than with the existing 3 G Verizon EVDO network. This should certainly good enough for most people, and Verizon has a reputation for having the best coverage in the United States is definitely a competitive advantage.

Perhaps the most interesting with the Verizon version of the iPhone 4 market impact, it will have. AT&T has pinned on Verizon's heels for site number one in the United States and access to the iPhone will remove some of at&t's edge. Verizon has already an advanced smartphone range, "droid" series phones that are usually made by Motorola. It is quite possible that Motorola will see sales dip as one of their arch-rivals moving to the Verizon network.

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