Vertu Ascent Ferrari GT release made of forged titanium

British mobile phone manufacturer Vertu has introduced another Member to their portfolio of ultra expensive limited edition units. The company has partnered once again with Ferrari releasing the Ascent Ferrari GT phone.

Inspired by the equally advanced Italian cars, Vertu Ascent Ferrari GT has a body made made forged Titanium with a matt black PVD finishes. Black and red hand-sewn leather ornaments using exactly the same leather as the Ferrari interiors. List of design highlights continues with a cloak for ceramic battery and a page inspired by famous Ferrari engine Grill.

The rest of the features of the Vertu Ascent Ferrari GT is more down-to-Earth and include a QVGA screen 2 "and a 5 megapixel autofocus camera with an LED flash. There are also 3 G with HSDPA and A-GPS with navigation software and preoloaded maps. Vertu brand high-performance 11x15mm stereo speakers are also available.

Vertu will only create two thousand and eleven telephones Ascent Ferrari GT units, but has not yet shown their prices.


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