Last Class Heroes v1.0 iPhone iPodTouch iPad (iPhone, iPodTouch iPad Games)

for gameplay video, character bios and more, go to!


Welcome to the Vienna Academy. Where the body which is rigidly divided based on student results of their academic credits. The elite are richly rewarded and competition is fierce.

This academy has something special-all the students manage to call forward summoned creatures called Prometheans! The capability from its owner scholastic standing, students work and study in order to survive high school!

Dissatisfied prodigies, mystical transfer students, heavenly visitor, incompetent teachers and even ghosts ... What could possibly go wrong?


Competitive Gameplay:
Reach elite status with two playable characters-Travis and Maya.

Promethean duels:
Improve your grades to unlock new skills and combinations of your summoned.

Unique document:
Explore Vienna Academy, discover Prometheans secrets and experience return of Shrouded.

Last Class Heroes requires iOS 3.1 or higher on an iPhone or iPod Touch.


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