Six HTC Smartphone and Tablet PC leak, geeks go with voltage

Pre-MWC rumor Marathon continues. In today's episode, we have five Android-running HTC Smartphone, a Brew-enabled handset and a Tablet PC. And even thought there is much we can give you the specs, we have lots of official shots for you to feast your eyes on.

Big screen is the first two units have in common. Both of these follow HTC desire design traditions and a seems to have a few keys on his face. We can still find a good reason for all those who frame if there is no button so our money's on the render is incomplete.

Current HTC flagships

The other three Androids, of course, is headed to China, so we cannot be certain whether they will be unveiled at MWC. We have China Telecom version of wish HD and mid-level A3360 Tian Shan and A3380.

The three China-bound HTC Smartphone

The definitive HTC phone today is a sleek, stylish successor to HTC Smart. Running on Brew mobile platform has been designed to deliver the sense UI experience to a wider audience.

HTC smart successor

Finally, a few words about the upcoming HTC tablet, which is said to have the name HTC flyers. Rumors say that it will run Android 2.3 gingerbread, while a 3.0 honeycomb update will be delivered in this version of the OS is available.

HTC flyer is supposed to begin shipping as early as March in the United States (with global availability in Q2) as a communication next month seems imminent. And apparently there is more where that came from-HTC has plans to introduce two more honeycomb-running tablets somewhere in the middle of this year.

Source: smartphones, Tablet PC

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1 Response to "Six HTC Smartphone and Tablet PC leak, geeks go with voltage"

lifeinsurance said...

In the year 2010, we saw samsung tablet pc galaxy tab rose very sharply and I am sure in the year 2011, many more tablet will compete with iPad and specially China Made talets are much cheaper and will do better.

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