Nokia N9 coming at MWC with a 1.2 GHz CPU, 12 MP camera?

With the rapidly approaching starts MWC rumors about MeeGo-running Nokia N9 to intensify again. If the Finnish trust is one of the most hotly anticipated smartphones this year make their debut at the Congress in less than a month.

It will also be some serious hardware under the hood. Nokia N9 will obviously be the first Nokia smartphone to pack a 1.2 GHz CPU. Machine-translated source mentions something if there is an Intel Atom, but we cannot imagine a way to fill the good old x 86 Atom in a smarphone. Our guess is instead N9 is based on the Intel Moorestown platform, which is essentially a smartphone SoC (system-on-a-chip) with an Intel Atom core as its heart.

Next, Nokia N9 to equal 12 megapiexel camera as N8. Considering the qualities of large-sensor unit inside Nokia Symbian ^ 3 flagship, which is the only good news for all cameraphone lovers. At the top of the line smarphones has not done too much in the Department of camera recently, so perhaps the first true N9 all in a single device.

Final exciting Nokia N9 rumor is its LTE connectivity. Also source claims that this is not confirmed yet, you will need to include an extra pinch of salt.

There are less than four weeks to go until MWC kicks off so we can find about the rest of it is quite soon. This hope that entire list gets confirmed!

Source (Suomi)

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