Nexus's in Italy next month, not a sAMOLED but have 720 p video?

Second generation Android flagship, the S Nexus Google reached Italy. News that is both good and bad-SuperAMOLED screen is missing but the camera HD video recording capabilities have grown. Now how it for a surprise? Maybe Samsung HD video recording, intended to fill in the smaller screen and that is why the Nexus's inexplicably does not offer States-side.

Samsung announced today that it will launch the Nexus's in Italy soon. Most of the interesting specs are here-Android 2.3 gingerbread, 1 GHz CPU, NFC, and so on. But the SuperAMOLED screen has been replaced for a Super clear LCD device just as it was in the first place is said (this last paragraph). We were not impressed with Super clear LCD on Samsung Wave II we would pick a SuperAMOLED over every day, but the Italians do not have a choice.

On the upside and the Italian Nexus's 5MP camera and it can record 720 p video at 30 frames per second. Galaxy S Google droid phone, which is based on, can record 720 p for so it was just a question about support for software-missing in the original Nexus p.

Yesterday, Google put out an OTA update for Nexus S, which fixed a few bugs (including SMS bug), but we have not yet heard reports that the update enables 720 p video recording. There may be error info from Italians or their Nexus's phones will even be released firmware update.

Anyway, Google Nexus's will be in Italy starting February with a manufacturer's suggested retail price of 550, which is about 50 more than the UK retail price of 430.

Source (in Italian)

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