LG releases the poor results for the fourth quarter of 2010, launching premium 2011

LG announced today its report on how 2010 went to them and it is not good for the company's mobile phone division. To get back in the black zone for 2011, the South Koreans are planning to focus on their premium line of smartphones.

Overall, things haven t been so good for LG in Q4 2010. The company sold 2.96 billion dollars-units, an increase of 12 percent compared with the third quarter of 2010, but there is still some 15.2 per cent lower than revenues from mobile phones in scored in the fourth quarter of 2009. What is worse, is LG still in the red zone with a loss of $ 232 million.

LG Q4 Financial Results

The total shipment of phones has increased by 8% in the third quarter of 2010 with a total of 30.6 million units in Q4. This is 10% lower than the number of units for the same quarter of 2009.

In North America, Europe and Korea LG recons increase in sales due to Optimus-a, which seems to do quite well for the company. We are sure things would pick up with the launch of Optimus 2 X and possibly, LG Optimus black and Optimus 3D for Q1.

Go back out of a quarter, results for LG 2010 annual don appearance pink either. For 2010, LG total revenue from mobile phones to € 11.4 billion dollars, which is a whopping 24,9% decline in 2009.

We are pleased with LG will step up its game in 2011 because HTC has passed them on the basis of total handset revenue in the fourth quarter of 2011 by a good half a billion u.s. dollars.


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