Nokia MeeGo Tablet picture and specifications for surface, we hold our breath

We just dug out a photo of a Nokia-branded MeeGo tablet, together with certain specifications. Packaging telephony and a landscape interface we don't know what to do drive, but it might just turn out to be hotly anticipated Nokia N9.

Drive image is obviously a really early prototype, like most of its hardware isn't working and there is no custom UI seen by Nokia. But we got some specifications for the hardware, so it's not all bad.

Packaging a 4.5 "screen Nokia MeeGo, half-tablet half-phone supporting 3 G with HSDPA, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. MicroUSB port is not mentioned, but it is now mandatory for all products sold in the EU so we'll assume there too.

Nokie MeeGo tablet
Nokia MeeGo Tablet

An accelerometer built along a gyroscope. The camera is also present, but we cannot confirm its resolution. If this really turns out to be the Nokia N9 and earlier rumors is trusted can we see N8 highest quality to this.

Of course there is always the possibility that this is only a reference design for engineering needs and we are getting all too excited without valid reason.

What makes us a little bit suspicious is visible on the screen the mouse pointer. But does the leaked list of current bugs involves a failure to operate the device through the touchscreen and MeeGo mouse input so it would just be a Bluetooth accessories.

There's also another theory, Eldar Murtazin from will's Twitter account. According to the editor-in-Chief of N9 has received the axe and Nokia has chosen to develop another device instead. If that's true, it explains why the styling of the device above is so unlike those early N9 shots we've all seen.

Update 25 Dec: we are afraid we have some bad news for you-apparently the device image is nothing but Ericsson U8500 reference platform. Now move along, nothing to see here.

Hope there would be a MeeGo smartphone announcement coming next month, so that we could finally stop with all the others.


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