NVIDIA Tegra zone for Android are implemented, they will offer only the best

And that the Tegra 2 scoop yesterday was not enough, today we have a little extra. NVIDIA will release an Android app called Tegra zone, which should be the easiest way to find Android applications that make the most of the power of dual-core beast.

For your convenience offering zone Tegra reviews, high-res screenshots and HD trailers for the programs that are displayed. You've chosen an app, use the Android market zone Tegra to round purchases.

Nvidia Tegra Zone

NVIDIA says that the Market's current bad support for large files have been pushing developers to deliver great games, Android community. The company solves this problem by providing unlimited storage devs host their applications.

Gameloft, one of the largest game development company, has also been invited by NVIDIA to join the zone Tegra. As you may know, Gameloft doesn't t offers its games on Android market, but maybe this will change if the two companies come to some sort of agreement.

Expect zone Tegra shortly after the first Tegra 2-powered devices become available.


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