iOS 4.3 beta reveals Wi-Fi hotspot, multi-touch gestures, and more

IOS 4.3 beta 1 for developers is out and it will bring lots of new goodies iPhone and iPad. All GSM iPhone get personal hotspot capabilities, while the iPad is granted with different useful multi-touch gestures.

Here is a brief list of what is discovered so far:

Personal Wi-Fi hotspot capabilitiesMulti multi-touch gestures (iPad only) for quick access to the homescreen, multi-tasking bar, or click next/previous image switchiAd appConfigurable iPad runs fullscreen banner on iPadNew FaceTime support third party iconAirPlay appsPossible video effects (turbine, x-ray, Tunnel of light, collapse, thermal camera, Kaleidoscope and Normal)

The personal Wi-Fi hotspot is a long awaited additions, but it will depend on the carrier for the safe and AT&T users should definitely keeps its tension.

It seems (at least from this beta) for iPad will be the biggest beneficiary. Apple has finally gave up on switch configuration required page and allows users to decide whether they will use it as the sound of key or as an orientation lock.

Other new features spotted on iPad is awesome multi-touch gestures. You will be able to use four (or five) fingers to minimize an app and go to the homescreen, swipe through all running apps or take up the multi-tasking bar with a single swipe. Beta does not offer these gestures on iPhone, but there is no certain until the official announcement.

Here is a short demo:

There are rumors that the next gen iPhone and iPad (the name codes that were revealed in this software structure) can also drop button hardware Home entirely and rely on gestures only. Reportedly, as Steve Jobs intends for the first iPhone, but it was not possible back then. And while we are still in rumorland, the latest is that Photo Booth and iLife, Mac OS apps will be in next iPad. We'll see about that.

IOS 4.3 beta does not support the iPhone 3 G and iPod Touch second generation, so might as well as the latest 4.2.1 supported build for these devices.

Other interesting things discovered within iOS 4.3 code are some live video effects, that may be available on both the FaceTime and video recording. We have already mentioned them in the list above.

Last from the code shown to date, find my friends. This is supposed to be a partial replacement of MobileMe and functions similar to Google latitude.

There is no word on when the iOS 4.3 will be announced or launched, but we're guessing that it will happen at the end of January.

Source 1, source 2, source, Source 4

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