Anderson N-Desk v2.3.1 S60v5/S^3 SymbianOS9.x

Office n let ads make you love your phone Nokia more. N-might be the best desktop software for Nokia S60 phones. Best option is to make your S60 is better than iphone! By installing the Desktop Board, you can:

1. slide the screen quickly and smoothly!
2. reposition an icon to your applications with ease!
3. choose different icon layouts! Support row 5 columns X 3 5 X 4, 6 x 3, 6 x 4. This function may not have seen any other S60 desktop!
4. choose any color you want! N Office changed all images to color you specify!

And also Office N:

1. smaller S60 applications desktop, store less consumption of 150 kilobytes only!
2. less memory consuming application!
3. the severity of desktop apps, never crash during my test!

Change log:

1. Add a notification for new messages.
2. Add notification of missed calls.
3. Add bluetooth state flags.
4. Add alarm notification.
5-compliant jabak taskman.
6. close the list, when you save the Office n, one meter from your phone's memory.
7. update the new installed application code, application code is not installed.

Supported devices:

S60v5 phones


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