Guitar Hero 6 Warriors Of Rock Download for Android 2.1 for free

Today is an excellent contribution to the end of the week this is guitar hero apk for Android 2.1 version of the game "Guitar Hero 6 Warriors Of Rock" with all the artists and the best captions in recent times. Great music game that requires skill and a fast handling controls the cell.

Guitar Hero 6 Warriors Of Rock for Android 2.1

Featured artists are The Rolling Stones, Megadeth, Ramones, Poison, Rammstein, Buzzcocks, Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Creedence Clearwater Revival and the cure.

Best with this version is that it comes with high-quality graphics format APK and very easy to install quickly. As regards the compatibility of guitar hero for Android 2.1 apk tested I with a Sony Ericsson Xperia x 8, running at 100%

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