Android market catch up to Apple's App Store in the app code

The number of apps is a sort of pride for the app store so here it goes-Android market quickly catch up to the current leader, Apple's App Store. In addition, the increasing market seems to be faster, while in the App Store.

The current figures are 350 000 apps in Apple's App Store and 250 000 in Android market. App Store still has a significant but when you look at the figures from six months ago, it seems that this lead may not last very long.

In October last year, the Apple store in a cool 185 thousand apps forward at a time when the market was a mere 100 thousand apps overall. During the last six months but the Android market has added about 150 thousand apps its virtual shelves while Apple's App Store managed just 65 thousand new items.

The bar graph, make sit easy to understand how much faster Android market grew from Apple's App Store. BlackBerry's App world and Windows phone 7 Marketplace is barely on the map.

It's not all good with Android market, although the first malware issues and now apparently some apps were reverse engineered and resale of other developers due to the lack of censorship. Transparency is also a question-if not for anything else, we can find the search function of the Android market are relatively subpar despite what Google's reputation might suggest.

An indie dev says that Google's own apps and iPhone app goes, indeed to get your app or game discovery is a tough challenge. Things worsened when he discovered one of their games are actually sold by another company under a different name. The company has also copied several other games.

Evil Planet (the original) to the left, Galaxy wars (copy) to the right

It is things like this that will drive developers to alternative app stores (like Amazon) but it is an open question whether they can do things better than Google has succeeded. We hope at least they would reach more regions.

Source 1, source 2

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