WP7 update for Samsung mobile phones is suspended due to performance problems

No matter how small an update is something that always go wrong. Microsoft on Monday released the first update for their WP7 OS and today they begin to pull out due to issues with certain Samsung bricking drives.

The company found a problem with the process of update for Samsung smartphones causing bricking WP7 phones after the update. Microsoft assures us that it affects only a small number of the phone but still have stopped sowing with new WP7 review to Samsung drives and will be resumed only when the issues have been fixed.

Users who already went through the process of updating only to find their phones are unusable after it is recommended to take their mobile phones to the nearest store for Exchange.

So, ironically, update that was supposed to Polish the update process was pulled out, due to the Oputsade update process. Let's hope Microsoft quickly finds a solution to this otherwise coming great copy paste update may have delayed any further.


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