Spiderman 3 for Java Mobile Phone download free

Spiderman 3 for Java Mobile Phone download free
mobile game free download
Spiderman 3 for Java Mobile Phone
Spiderman 3 is a 2D side-scrolling platformer that takes advantage of Spider-Man's darker side. Utilizing his new-found Black Suit and its increased powers, Spider-Man is stronger and more aggressive.

Stop villains with fierce combat moves and agile navigation. Use the destructible environment to feed the power of the black suit. Punch, climb, swing, jump, shoot webs, and break objects. Spider-Man must fight numerous thugs and stop disasters caused by The Green Goblin and Sand Man throughout New York City.

In the final scenes, Spider-Man returns to his more modest blue suit to fight against Venom. Spider-Man must defeat Venom using skill and prowess, since there is no way to defeat him with force.

Work perfectly on Nokia N73, 5300, 3250, N71, N91, N93, E60 And other phone with java support.
Screen Resolution 240 x 320.

File include music. Play, Listening, and Enjoyed.

Download link : 5261 Kb

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