Nokia Maps GPS Navigator download free

Nokia Maps GPS Navigator download free
Nokia Maps GPS Navigator

Nokia Maps GPS Navigator | 8 Mb

GPS for Nokia
free download
Nokia Maps promises to be the mobile solution to navigating around the world and with free maps for 150 countries they could be right. In terms of content Nokia Maps has a lot to get excited about. Of course it provides a comprehensive routefinder facility whether you want to get from street-to-street, city-to-city, or country-to-country. But more than that, with Nokia Maps you can locate 15 million tourist spots meaning when you're in a new city the software will give you directions from wherever you are, telling you exactly how far you need to travel.

You can share these with friends and update and personalise your maps. It will work with GPS if your phone supports it. All you need to do to use the software is upload a city map onto your mobile and select what you want to search for eg hotels or restaurants. Then follow the route. One problem is that if want to create more detailed guides or add extras such as a voice-operated navigation guide you will need to pay. And it may even cost you to transfer free maps depending on your service provider, so do check. Nokia Maps is a very good starter package though.

[center]English, Spanish, Argentinean, Chinese Trad, Italian, Russian
OS requirements for Nokia Maps:

* OS: Symbian/J2ME/WinMobile

Mobile Full Series:

* Java
* Symbian 8 Series 60 2.6
* Symbian 8 Series 60 2.8
* Symbian 9.1 Series 60 3rd Ed

Compatible devices:

* Nokia E61
* Nokia N70

* Nokia N72
* Nokia N73

* Nokia N82
* Nokia N93

Minimum requirements:

* Nokia E61
* Nokia E61i
* Nokia E65
* Nokia N70
* Nokia N72
* Nokia N73
* Nokia N76
* Nokia N93i
* Nokia 6110 Navigator
* Nokia 6120 Classic

Download for USA, EU and Russia

Other countries

download free Nokia Maps GPS Navigator

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