Download Google Maps V2.07 Mobile 2010 - 1.80MB

Download Google Maps V2.07 Mobile 2010 - 1.80MB
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Google Maps V2.07 Mobile - 1.80MB

Real-time traffic — See where the congestion is, and estimate delays in over 30 major US metropolitan areas.
Detailed directions — Whether you plan to walk or drive, your route is displayed on the map itself, together with step-by-step directions.
Integrated search results — Local business locations and contact information appear all in one place, integrated on your map.
Easily movable maps — Interactive maps let you zoom in or out, and move in all directions so you can orient yourself visually.
Satellite imagery — Get a bird's eye view of your desired location. (It's like you're there, we swear.)
Maps is available on hundreds of mobile devices. For more ways to access Google local listings from your mobile device, try text messaging Google or browsing to our mobile web page.
See your location on the map, with or without GPS. Save time and tedious keystrokes finding where you are, what's around you, and how to get there. Watch the video on the right to see how it works.

Press "0" and look for the blue dot

If you have a GPS-enabled device, this blue dot corresponds to your GPS location. At times, or if you do not have a GPS-enabled phone, you might see the blue dot surrounded by a light blue circle (as shown on the right) to indicate uncertainty about your location.
Why the uncertainty? The My Location feature takes information broadcast from mobile towers near you to approximate your current location on the map - it's not GPS, but it comes pretty close (approximately 1000m close, on average). We're still in beta, but we're excited to launch this feature and are constantly working to improve our coverage and accuracy.
The My Location feature is available for most web-enabled mobile phones, including Java, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Nokia/Symbian devices.

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