Paradise Monkeys 1.2 | iphone game

Paradise Monkeys 1.2 | iphone game

free iphone game - paradise monkeys 1.2 - download
Paradise Monkeys 1.2 iPhone iPod Touch | 39,6 MB

Help the monkeys to stop the horrible monkey Dracula, decided to take all the
bananas on the island! Touch the monkeys as fast as possible, avoiding traps,
beat strong monsters and earn gold to increase your power, regenerate your life
and unlock bonus.
Paradise Monkeys is a funny game that immerses you in a delirious tropical world
full of monkeys like no other!
- Improved Whac-a-mole game !
- A game 100% designed for the iPhone Multi-Touch.
- An entertaining action multi-touch game easy to handle.
- 9 Levels, each divided into 5 sub-levels (45 levels in total)
- 9 different boss to defeat and many enemies.
- 2 amazing mini-games to unlock !
- Buy items and increase your finger power !

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