download LA Rush - Java game for mobile

download LA Rush - Java game for mobile

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Ready for some street racing action? Well, so is the video game industry… for the last five years. Driving games have always been a solidly selling genre and ever since the rise of hip-hop/rap/underground culture in games a few years back, street racers have become more common than all other racing games combined. When the industry closes its jaws around a trend, it’s afraid to let it loose again…

Midway joined the party lately with LA Rush, gang racing in the city of angels for the PC and game consoles. While not nearly as well known as Need for Speed, Test Drive or Gran Turismo, LA Rush is also the progeny of a racing series, one that began in 1998 with the well received San-Francisco Rush. The home version of LA Rush is widely considered lackluster, with average scores of between 56-60 out of 100, depending on the specific version. Does the mobile version fare better?

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