Google Navigator v.4.8 download free

Google Navigator v.4.8 download free
Google Navigator v.4.8

Google Navigator is the most powerful and easy to use GPS navigation software on your Pocket PC with:3D GPS Navigation all over the world + Offline map and satellite image + Map range download+ 3D street view + GPS tracking + GSM tracking + Custom path drawing +Trackline saving and loading + Open trackline with Google Earth.

24 Feb 2009 version 4.8 released:
* Photo layer let you view images on map all over the world!
* Add more voice command in navigation and bugs fixed!
* Add South Korea map
* Tracking other's GSM postion in Google Navigator,no GPS hardware and no network connection need! Screenshots
* Select map range and download all the map and satellite image automatically! Screenshots
* Support 3D street view,view and navigate high-resolution, 360 degree street level images of cities in the world!

Designed with productivity in mind, Google Navigator offers a quick and easy way to obtain the map and location information on your Pocket PC.With the most powerful functionality on map data operation and convenient user interface.You will enjoy the fun on your Pocket PC.

Key features:
* Four view mode: Map mode, Satellite mode ,Hybrid mode and Terrain mode
* Photo layer let you view images on map all over the world!
* Select map range and download all the map and satellite image automatically
* Map can rotated in all 3D angle and move in all directions like Google Earth on your pc
* Search the up to date location and business via network
* Pick some favorites locations to appear all in map
* step-by-step voice and turn directions in GPS navigation
* 3D street view allows you to quickly and easily view and navigate high-resolution, 360 degree street level images of cities in the world
* Tracking other's GPS position in Google Navigator using the SMS tunnel,no network connection need!
* Tracking other's GSM postion in Google Navigator,no GPS hardware and no network connection need!
* Save the track line and load it in Google Navigator .
* Convert track line to Google KML format and open it in Google Earth in PC
* Send the GPS position or the Selected position by SMS ,MMS and email.
* Custom path drawing and start GPS navigation.

Supported devices
Google Navigator support Pocket PC devices with the following operating systems:
* Windows Mobile 5.0
* Windows Mobile 6.0

System requirements: WM5 - WM6.1
Additional Requirements: NetCF 2
Screen: All permits
Install Type: CAB
Size: 6.35 MB



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