download free Micoroft System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 with SP1

download free Micoroft System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 with SP1

Mobile Device Manager 2008 enables efficient control of Windows Mobile 6.1 devices by providing reliable, low-cost, and consistent manageability, easy integration with your existing Microsoft infrastructure, and secure access to the corporate network.

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SP1 is designed to cost-effectively support large-scale deployments of Mobile Device Manager with new features and enhancements:
• Multiple Instance: Supports deployments where multiple points of control are required within a single forest.
• PIN Reset: Allows users to request a PIN reset on their device.
• Enrollment Auto Discovery: Facilitates easier self-service enrollments.
• Active Directory/Windows Server 2008: support for Windows Server 2008 Active Directory functional level. Operational support is unchanged and limited to instances running Windows Server 2003.
• Performance/Scalability: Increased system capacity.
• Virtualization: Provides Hyper-V testing support using Windows Server 2003 as a guest OS.




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